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Vaping 101: Revealing the Truth about e-Cigarettes

Considering the harmful effects of smoking, e-cigarettes were introduced as a smokeless solution for addicts. It was designed as a non-tobacco cigarette to ensure harmless smoking. Around 9 million American adults vape on a regular basis. The demand for vape devices and e-cigarettes has increased tremendously and so has the controversy surrounding them.

Most of these myths are highly inaccurate, if not all of them. Here are some facts about e-cigarettes.

It Can Cause Popcorn Lungs:

E-cigarettes are often considered as the main cause of bronchiolitis obliterans, a disease commonly present in employees at popcorn factories. The myth stems from the fact that many e-cig flavorings contain a chemical named diacetyl, which has a buttery smell and is famous for causing popcorn lungs.

However, the chemical is banned in many countries, including the UK and the European Union. In addition, several companies focus on Diacetyl-free e-juices to avoid any risks of lung and respiratory infection.

E-Cigarettes Aren’t Regulated:

This isn’t true either. When it comes to the manufacturing and distribution of e-cigarettes, there are strict rules in most countries. The Public Health Law Center in the US has proposed a set of e-cigarette regulations. Some states also require proper licenses to sell this product. Consumers are also provided all the necessary information through standard and packaging and labeling on this device.

E-Cigarette Vapors Are Dangerous:

While e-cigarettes do contain nicotine, many people claim that it’s the main culprit behind diseases caused by smoking, especially cancer. However, nicotine poses the least threat to your health and is less harmful to our health as compared to tobacco smoke. E-cigs don’t contain tar or carbon monoxide. The chemicals present in these devices are less harmful than their traditional counterparts.

E-Cigarettes Encourage People To Smoke:

One of the main concerns about e-cigarettes is that they’re the main reason behind the rise in smoking across the US. However, there is no research supporting this myth. In fact, between 2005 and 2016, the rate of smoking in the US decreased from 20.9% to 15.5%. Therefore, this shows that e-cigarettes don’t affect the overall pattern of smoking in the country.

Are you looking for e-cigarette supplies for your business? Our smoke shop provides some quality products to cater to the needs of our customers. Contact Premium Vials today at (888) 545-3117 and place your order.

29th Jul 2019

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