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The Correct Way of Storing Food in Your Refrigerator

Most people don’t know the correct way of storing food in their refrigerator; this leads to food waste, loss of money, and discourages them from cooking at home. It’s important to remember that a fridge isn’t a closet for food, and shouldn’t be treated like one.

In fact, it’s a high-tech device that allows you to keep your food in optimal condition by providing different compartments that have different temperature zones and utilities. Therefore, it’s important that you learn the right way of storing food items in your fridge.

How to store food in a refrigerator

Upper Shelves

The temperature of the upper shelves of the fridge is the most consistent, thus, you should always store foods that don’t need to be cooked in the top shelves of the fridge. These foods may typically include ready-to-eat foods such as tortillas, deli meats, cheese, butter, yogurt, and leftovers. You get the gist of it.

Lower Shelves

The temperature of the lower shelves of the fridge is the coolest, making them the perfect spot to store raw eggs, seafood, raw meat, and other dairy products. However, you must make sure to keep meat items separate from the other food items to prevent bacteria from spreading, perhaps by assigning a particular section to store meat.

Crisper Drawers

Crisper drawers provide conditions that make them the ideal place to store fruit, vegetables, and salad vegetables. It’s good practice to wash them prior to storage. However, it’s important that you keep fruits and vegetables separately, because some fruits produce ethylene which promotes ripening, causing vegetables to sprout and go yellow.


Doors should be reserved for foods that can stand up to temperature as they are the warmest part of the fridge. You can store juices, condiments like mayonnaise, mustard, and ketchup, and other foods that are most resistant to spoiling here.


Obviously, freezers are used to store frozen things, including ice, frozen foods such as meats, veggies, fruits, and other items. However, there are also other food items that can be stored in the freezer for later use such as pasta sauce, stocks, and tortillas.

Important Rules of Refrigeration

You must ensure that the refrigerator is not overloaded as it can block the cooling unit of your refrigerator. It also prevents air from circulating around the food, which is necessary to keep it fresh. Moreover, if the fridge door is not properly shut, the cooling can escape and your food can be spoiled.

You must make sure to eat the food in the fridge based on the expiration date in order to prevent wastage of food that’s not only bad for your wallet, but for the environment as well.

You should refrain from storing open cans in the refrigerator as it can lead to chemical contamination. Instead, you should opt for containers that are suitable for storing food safely in the fridge.

Final Words

Keeping the aforementioned rules in mind will help you to store your food items safely in the fridge and keep them fresh for a longer period. Remember, how you store the food is equally important as the where you store your food, so make sure you have a high-quality storage container to preserve the integrity and quality of your food items.

If you’re looking for food storage solutions for your refrigerator, check out the collection of Premium Vials that contains quality food containers, economy jars, sauce bottles, spice jars, mason jars, as well as swing-top containers. For more information, you can contact (888) 545-3117 or visit our website.

24th May 2019

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