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CCELL Cartridges: A Wickless Solution for Vape Pens

The market for medical and recreational cannabis is growing in many US states, with vape pens leading the trends. In order to stay relevant to modern needs, your products should be top-notch and their packaging, exemplary.

One of the most popular delivery devices used for packaging cannabis concentrates are vaporizer cartridges. These cartridges are filled with high-potency vape liquids that are then smoked through the pen.

But since this is still a budding idea that’s making its debut, manufacturers can’t risk disappointing. People won’t give you a second chance if these vape pens don’t give them their money’s worth. It’s essential that every puff be crafted with immense care. This is where CCELL cartridges come in.

Purpose-Built Cannabis Cartridges

Cannabis oils are less viscous and sticky. This makes it a challenge to vaporize them, compared to other regular vape liquids. The industry for cannabis oils was met with a growing demand for suitable vape pens and CCELL vaporizing cartridges sufficed it.

These purpose-built cannabis cartridges offer a disposable pen hardware that allows vape pen users to thoroughly enjoy the experience. The flavor and consistency in each puff is unmatched and unlike ever before.

Here are a few factors that help made the improvement possible.

Wickless Wonder

Until CCELL cartridges were introduced in the industry, cotton wicks were the popular choice of the heating element that was used. However, these wicks spoiled the flavor of the cannabis oil because they combust at high temperatures and that ruins the experience.

A burnt wick would transmit the taste of char in every pull and that’s not what vape pen users are looking for.

CCELL changed the scene entirely because they use ceramic heating elements that are made using a patented formula that accommodates thermal endurance. This way, heat is absorbed and distributed evenly across the embedded oil. This not only prevents chances of completely burning out and also vaporizes every ounce of the oil.

Ready to Roll

Ever regretted your last pull from a regular vape pen where the last bits just ruin the beautiful flavor you were enjoying? CCELL-powered cartridges release vaporized flavor consistently from the start till the end so the last hit is just as good as the first.

Users don’t have to wait for their cart to warm up with a few initial puffs because the CCELL-driven ones deliver strong flavor right from the get-go. There’s no need to waste time priming the pump because CCELL cartridges simply perform better!

We have an online smoke shop that supplies CCELL batteries and cartridges, as well as marijuana vials on wholesale rates.

9th Sep 2019

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